Insert Table

Menu: Draw > Insert Table

Ribbon: Annotate > Tables > Insert Table

Keyboard: TABLE

Options description:

Table Style:
Choose one table style from the existing list in the current drawing from to create a table.

Insert Options:
Specifies the table insertion method.
Start from Empty Table: Creates an empty table that can be filled in with data by manually.
From CSV file: Creates a table by using data contained in one external CSV file.
Form object data in the drawing (data extraction): Runs the Data Extraction function.

Insertion Behavior:
Specifies the location of the table.
Specify Insertion Point: Specifies the location of the upper-left corner of the table. If the table style sets the direction of the table to read from the bottom up, the insertion point is the lower-left corner of the table.
Specify Window: Specifies a size and a location for the table. By using this option is selected, the number of columns and rows and the column width and row height depend on the size of the window and the column and row settings.

Column & Row Settings:
Allows to decide the number and size of columns and rows.

Table margins:
Allows to customize the margins about the table cells.

Set Cell Styles:
Allows to decide the style to the first, second and other rows. It's possible to choose form Title, Header, Data.

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Modify table style

Create new table style

Manage table styles

Table edit