Modifying entities

progeCAD provides many editing tools for modifying a drawing. You can easily move, rotate, or stretch drawing entities, or change their scale. When you want to remove an entity, you can delete it with a few clicks of the mouse. You can also make multiple copies of any entity and copy entities from one drawing to another.

You can modify most entities using general-purpose editing commands. Some complex entities require special commands. This section explains how to:

    Select entities using entity-selection methods and grips.

    Change the properties of entities.

    Hiding, isolating, and deleting entities.

    Rearrange entities by moving, rotating, or changing the display order.

    Resize entities by stretching, scaling, extending, trimming, or editing their lengths.

    Split and combine entities by breaking, joining, exploding, and grouping them.

    Edit polylines.

    Create chamfers and fillets.

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Selecting entities

Modifying the properties of entities

Hiding and isolating entities

Deleting entities

Copying entities

Rearranging entities

Resizing entities

Splitting and combining entities

Editing polylines

Chamfering and filleting entities