

Toolbar: Express Tools > Breakline ()

Menu: Express > Draw > Breakline


Allows to draw a polilyne that includes the breakline symbol.
When the command is run, you need only to specify the two definition points of the polyline, and the breakline symbol is automatically created between them.
NOTE: The current setting of the DIMSCALE Variable controls the size of the breakline elements.


  • Block: Defines the block to be used as the breakline symbol. Default block is brkline.dwg .
  • Size: Defines the size of the breakline symbol.
  • Extension: Defines the length of the line extension beyond selected points.

How to customize the the Breakline symbol:
You can create your customized breakline symbol, by the following procedure:

  1. Open a new drawing.
  2. Draw your breakline symbol.
  3. Draw two points, one on the startpoint an one on the endpoint of your symbol.
  4. Put the two points on the DEFPOINTS layer.
  5. Save the file in one of the progeCAD search paths (Example: C:\Program Files (x86)\ProgeCAD\progeCAD 2015 Professional ENG)
After that, when you run the BREAKLINE command, use the Block option to specify the drawing file for the new breakline block.

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