Endpoint Snap


Keyboard: ENDPOINT


Toggles the Endpoint snap on or off. When set to on, the program snaps to the endpoint of an entity, including the closest endpoint of an arc, line, polyline segment, ray, hatch pattern, plane, or three-dimensional face. If an entity has thickness, the Endpoint Snap also snaps to the endpoints of the edges of entities.


  1. Snap the new line to the endpoint of an existing line.

Tell me about...

Apparent Intersection Snap

Center Snaps

Clearing Entity Snaps

Entity Snap Precision

Entity Snap Settings

Entity Snaps

Insertion Point Snaps

Intersection Snaps

Midpoint Snaps

Nearest Snaps

Node Snaps

Perpendicular Snaps

Quadrant Snaps

Quick Snaps

How do I...

Change the endpoint of a line