Coons Surface (3D Mesh)



Creates a three-dimensional mesh with vertices averaged between four edges.

You can apply this command to any four adjoining edges. The edges can be lines, arcs, or open two-dimensional or three-dimensional polylines, but all edges must be touching to form a closed, rectangular entity. You can use the SURFTAB2 system variable to define the N-direction mesh density of the coons surface.



  1. Select the first edge for the mesh.
  2. Select the second edge.
  3. Select the third edge.
  4. Select the fourth edge.

Before you can use the Coons Surface command, you must draw four connected linear segments.

Select the first of four connected linear entities for edge surface: You can select the four edges in any order. Select the first edge. The first edge you select determines the M-direction of the mesh, extending from the endpoint closest to the point you selected to the other endpoint. The two edges that touch the first edge you select form the N-edges of the mesh.

Select second edge: Select the second edge.

Select third edge: Select the third edge.

Select last edge: Select the fourth edge.

NOTE You can change the M- and N-surface densities with the system variables SURFTAB1 and SURFTAB2, respectively. The minimum value is 2; the default is 6; the maximum value is 32766.

Tell me about...


Polyface Mesh

How do I...

Create an edge-defined Coons surface patch mesh