Multiline Text

Multiline Text


Keyboard: MTEXT, or -MTEXT (command line version)


Creates multiline text entities.



  1. Select the first corner for the block of text.
  2. Select the opposite corner.


Multiline Text: First corner for block of text: Select the first corner of the text area.

Justification/Rotation/Style/Height/Width<Opposite corner for block of text>: Specify the second corner to define the area where you want the paragraph text to appear. To change the alignment, choose Justification. To change the angle of the text block, choose Rotation. To change the text style, choose Style. To change the height of the text, choose Height. To change the width of the text, choose Width.

NOTE You can also choose these settings later for the resulting multiline text entity using the Properties pane.

To place a paragraph of text

Multiline Text: First corner for block of text: Select the first corner of the text area.

Justification/Rotation/Style/Height/Width<Opposite corner for block of text>: Select the second corner of the text area.

Type the text you want in the editor. When finished, click Close Editor.




Text Style


Select a text style.

Text Height

Select or type the text font height, which is measured in the linear units of the drawing defined with the Drawing Units tab on the Drawing Settings dialog box.


Click to check text to annotative.

Bold and Italics

Click to bold and/or italicize text.

Underline and Overline

Click to underline and/or overline text.

Uppercase and Lowercase

Click to make text uppercase or lowercase.

Text Font

Select the text font.


Click to strikethrough text.


Click to change text to superscript.


Click to change text to subscript.

Text Color

Select BYBLOCK, BYLAYER, the color of your choice, or choose Select Color to select from additional colors in the Color dialog box.

Background Mask

Click to set the background settings for text in the Background Settings dialog box.

Oblique Angle

Select or type the angle of text characters. An angle of 0.0 has no affect on the characters. A positive angle slants characters to the right; a negative angle slants characters to the left.


Select or type the factor representing the spacing between characters. A factor of 1.0 has no affect on the characters. A factor less than 1.0 reduces the space between characters; a factor greater than 1.0 increases the spacing between characters.

Width Factor

Select or type the font width factor. A factor of 1.0 has no affect on the font. A factor less than 1.0 reduces the font width; a factor greater than 1.0 increases the font width.

Clear Formatting

Choose whether to remove character formatting from selected characters, paragraph formatting or all formatting from a selected paragraph.

Combine Paragraphs

Click to combine selected paragraphs into a single paragraph.


Select the text box justification.


Select the type of list for the text. You can also specify to continue or restart numbered lists.

Line Spacing

Select the spacing between lines.

Default, Left, Center

Click to set the paragraph justification to default, left, or center.

Right, Justify, Distribute

Click to set the paragraph justification to right, justify, or distribute.


Click to specify tab, indent, alignment, and line spacing settings in the Paragraph dialog box.

Undo and Redo

Click to redo or undo the previous action.


Click to insert a symbol character where the cursor is located in the text editor.

Insert Field

Click to insert a field where the cursor is located in the text editor. The Field dialog box displays.


Click to specify columns for the text, and options for the columns. See Multiline Text Columns.

Find and Replace

Click to find and replace text in the text editor.

Import Text

Click to select a file that contains text to import.


Click to turn on or off capitalizing text automatically as you type.


Click to show or hide the ruler in the text editor.

Check Spelling

Click to check text for spelling automatically. Incorrectly spelled words display with a dashed red underline; right-click to choose a correctly spelled word.

Stacked Text

Click to stack or unstack selected text, for example, fractions can display as stacked text.


Click to display a menu of additional options, including the character set, settings for the text editor, and help.

Close Editor

Accepts your changes and closes the editor.


NOTE Right-click the text window to access additional text options, including Select All, Cut, Copy, Paste, and Paste Special.

NOTE There are two multiline text editors. To switch to the dialog box version of the multiline text editor, set the MTEXTED system variable to "oldeditor".

Tell me about...

Drawing Settings

Edit Text

Exploring Text Styles



How do I...

Create paragraph text

Use Unicode characters