

Keyboard: THICKEN

Converts surfaces or meshes into three-dimensional solids with a specified thickness. You can thicken surfaces that are created using the Convert to Surface command and meshes that are created using the Convert to Mesh command.

To thicken a surface

Select surface entities: Select the surfaces that you want to thicken, then press Enter.

Specify thickness <0.>: Enter the thickness value to apply to the selected surfaces.

To thicken a mesh

Select surface entities: Select the meshes that you want to thicken, then press Enter.

Select an option [Facet surface] <Filter out>: Choose Facet surface. progeCAD first converts the meshes to surfaces, and then to solids.

Specify thickness <0.>: Enter the thickness value to apply to the selected meshes.

The DELOBJ system variable determines whether the original entities are deleted or retained after the Thicken command is completed.

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Apply elevation and thickness