Send Mail


Keyboard: MAIL


Activates your mail program so you can send an progeCAD drawing file by electronic mail. The Send Mail command supports any Message Application Programming Interface (MAPI-compliant) mail program (such as Microsoft® Exchange or Outlook®, Qualcomm® Eudora®, and Lotus CC:Mail). For more information about how to send a drawing file by electronic mail, refer to the documentation included with your mail program.

If you have more than one mail profile on your computer, you will be prompted to choose a profile before you can send the drawing.

NOTE You cannot mail a drawing file using this command if your system is configured with only an Internet mail system, such as Netscape Communicator, or any version of Microsoft® Internet Explorer older than version 4.0. However, Internet Explorer version 4.0 and higher includes Microsoft® Exchange, making it compatible with the Send Mail command.

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Send drawings through e-mail