Explore Materials




Displays the Explorer with the Materials element selected, where you can view materials and assign them to entities.

To load a material into the drawing, click the Import Materials tool (). After you select the materials for your drawing in the Import Materials dialog box and click Import, the command bar displays which materials are imported. Click Close when done importing.

After materials are imported into a drawing you can cut, copy, and paste them from one drawing to another. You can also select whether to map the material on the preview image as a sphere, cube, or plane. To display the list of materials with their names and descriptions, click the Details tool (). To display the list of materials as small images, click the Images tool ().

When you create new entities, they are drawn with the current material. You can also drag and drop a material from the Material Explorer to entities in the drawing.

Materials can be also applied to layers in Explore Layers.

Tell me about...

Import Materials dialog box


How do I...

Work with materials