Copying settings  

A particularly powerful feature of the Explorer is its capability of copying many of the settings layers, linetypes, text styles, coordinate systems, views, blocks, or dimension styles from one drawing to another. If you have more than one drawing open, the Explorer makes it easy to reuse information. For example, when you copy layers from one drawing to another, the layer names as well as their linetypes, colors, and other settings are also copied, but not the entities on those layers.    

To copy layers from one open drawing to another open drawing

   1   Do one of the following to choose Explore Layers ():    

    On the ribbon, choose Home > Explore Layers (in Layers) or choose Tools > Layers (in Explorer).

    On the menu, choose Format > Explore Layers or choose Tools > Explorer > Explore Layers.

    On the Explorer toolbar, click the Explore Layers tool.

    Type explayers and then press Enter.

   2   In the Elements pane, select the drawing from which you want to copy layers.

   3   If necessary, click the plus (+) symbol to expand the Elements list for the drawing, and then click Layers.

   4   In the Layers Settings In Drawing list (right pane), select the layers you want to copy.

   5   Choose Edit > Copy, or click the Copy tool ().

   6   In the Elements pane, select the drawing to which you want to copy the layers.

   7   If necessary, click the plus (+) symbol to expand the Elements list for the drawing, and then click Layers.

    8    Choose Edit > Paste, or click the Paste tool ().