Entering polar coordinates

Entering polar coordinates

Using relative polar coordinates makes drawing a square tilted at a 45-degree angle a simple task. Polar coordinates base the location of a point on a distance and angle from either the origin (absolute coordinate) or from the previous point (relative coordinate).                                

To specify polar coordinates, type a distance and an angle, separated by the open angle bracket (<). For example, to use relative polar coordinates to specify a point 1 unit away from the previous point and at an angle of 45 degrees, type @1<45.                

To draw the square from the example in the previous section, Entering relative Cartesian coordinates, this time tilted at a 45-degree angle, start the Line command, and then respond to the prompts as follows:     

Start of line: 4,5

Angle Length <Endpoint>: @8.5<45

Angle Length Follow Undo <Endpoint>: @8.5<315

Angle Length Follow Close Undo <Endpoint>: @8.5<225

Angle Length Follow Close Undo <Endpoint>: C



Drawing a tilted square using the relative polar coordinates method; enter C to close.


This example assumes the programs default settings.
Like all examples in this guide, the example assumes default settings: Angles increase counterclockwise and decrease clockwise. An angle of 315 degrees is the same as -45 degrees.