Determines how infinite lines (xlines), rays, OLE objects, and .pdf file references regenerate when panning and zooming. Turning this system variable off (set to 0) disables automatic regeneration of all mentioned entities, and also images.

The value can be one of the following:

0 = Automatic regeneration for panning and zooming is turned off for all mentioned entities and also for images. This mode provides the best performance but reduced automatic regeneration. If an image is off-screen, it is not drawn; if an undrawn image moves on-screen, it remains undrawn until manually regenerating.

1 = Regeneration is performed automatically after panning and zooming is completed. This mode decreases performance while increasing automatic regeneration. If an entity is off-screen, it is not drawn; if an undrawn entity moves on-screen, it is regenerated automatically and displayed. Images are regenerated according to the RTDISPLAY system variable.

2 = Regeneration is continuous while panning and zooming. This mode provides the best automatic regeneration capabilities but with the most reduced performance. Images are regenerated according to the RTDISPLAY system variable.

Type:     Integer

Saved:     In the registry

Range:     0, 1, or 2

Default:     1