Annotative Objects

Annotative Objects

Objects: Dimensions - Hatches - Texts.

This feature is used to automatically manage the display and scale of objects that contain an annotative property.
The following objects can be annotative:

  • Dimensions
  • Hatches
  • Texts

Annotative feature on the Status Bar

You can manage the scale of the annotative feature on the Status Bar, by toggling On/Off the annotative objects button.

Annotative scale manager
The Annotative Scale Manager allows to select and/or create the desired annotative scale.

Annotative objects display
It allows to select how Annotative objects are displayed.

  • Show annotation objects for the current scale only: Only the annotative objects with the current annotative scale activated are displayed.
  • Show annotation objects for all scales: All the annotative objects are displayed.

Select objects scaling method
The annotative scale method is added.

  • Automatically add a scale to annotative objects: When you select an annotative scale, tha annotative objects are updated. If some annotative objects don't have the selected scale, this option automatically adds this new scale.
  • Manually add a scale to annotative objects: When you select an annotative scale, the annotative objects are not updated. If you have turned on the "Show annotation objects for current scale only" option, the annotative objects that don't have the selected scale will not be shown.

Available annotative Styles and Objects

Annotative Dimension Style:

  1. Open the Dimension styles manager dialog
  2. Select the desired dimension style to convert into annotative
  3. Press the Modify... button
  4. Open the Fit tab, and check the box of the Annotative option

Annotative Text Style:

  1. Open the Text Style dialog
  2. Select the desired text style to convert into annotative
  3. Check the box of the Annotative option

Annotative Hatches:
it is possible to create an annotative Hatch, or transform an existing hatch into annotative

  1. Open the Hatch dialog, by running the Hatch command or double clicking on an existing Hatch
  2. Check the box of the Annotative option