: list_box

Display a vertical list of text, with optional scrollbar and title.     DCL Active Tile

This active tile displays a list box. When the user selects an item, it is highlighted. A scroll bar appears automatically when there are more items than the list_box tile is able to display.

Creating and Modifying a List Box with LISP Functions

To create and modify the list displayed by the list_box tile, use these LISP functions:

  • (start_list "key" int1 int2)
  • The start_list function takes three arguments. The key argument identifies the name of the list_box tile. The int1 argument specifies the action to take:

int1 Meaning
1 Change one item in the list.
2 Add an item to the end of the list.
3 Create a new list; the default.

    The int2 argument specifies the item # to change (the first item in the list is #0); int2 is only used when int1 is 1. For example:

    (start_list "L1" 1 3     ; changes the fourth item in the list.

  • (add_list "string")
  • To make the change, use the add_list function. The string argument specifies the text to be added or replaced in the list:

    (start_list "L1" 1 3     ; Changes the fourth item in the list.

    (add_list "New item")

    When start_list is in change mode (int1 = 1), each call to the add_list changes the same item. When start_list is in add mode (int1 = 2), each call to the add_list adds another item to the end of the list.

  • (end_list)
  • To end the list processing, call the end_list function as follows:

    (start_list "L1" 1 3     ; changes the fourth item in the list.

    (add_list "New item")


NOTE There are no LISP functions for inserting an item in the middle of the list nor for deleting an item from the list.

Valid Attributes

: list_box {

          action = "(string)";

          allow_accept = flag;

          alignment = position;

          fixed_height = flag;

          fixed_width = flag;

          height = number;

          is_enabled = flag;

          is_tab_stop = flag;

          key = "string";

          label = "string";

          list = "string";

          mnemonic = "char";

          multiple_select = flag;

          tabs = "string";

          value = "string";

          width = number;



: list_box {

          action = "(subdir)";

          label = "Select a color:";

          list = "Red\nGreen\nBlue";

          value = "0";



    • Use the \n (new-line) character within the list attribute to separate lines.
    • The label attribute displays the text above the list box.
    • The value attribute determines which items on the list are initially selected or highlighted. The attribute consists of a string of integers separated by spaces, as in the following:

              value = "0 2 5";

    • The first item is #0. A null string "" means no items are highlighted. When the multiple_select attribute is false, the value attribute must contain a single integer.

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About Predefined Attributes