Quick Select


Keyboard: QSELECT


Selects entities by type according to a specified value or range of values.


Apply To Choose which entities to consider for selection. For example, select Entire Drawing to consider all entities in the drawing. To specify a portion of the drawing to consider for selection, click (), make your selection directly in the drawing, and the option Current Selection will appear in Apply To.

Entity Type Choose the type of entity to select. Only the entities found in the drawing portion specified in Apply To appear in the list.

Properties Choose the desired property to filter selection.

Operator Choose how to compare the value and property.

Value Choose the desired value to filter selection.

How to Apply Choose whether to include or exclude selected entities in the new selection set:

  • Include in New Selection Set Creates a new selection that includes only those entities that meet the selected options.
  • Exclude from New Selection Set Creates a new selection set that includes all of the entities except those that meet the selected options.

Append to Current Selection Set Select to add the newly selected entities to a previously specified selection set (if available).

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