Setting the current linetype

You normally draw an entity using the linetype assigned to the current layer, indicated as BYLAYER. You can also assign linetypes on a per-entity basis, which overrides the layers linetype setting. A third option is to assign the BYBLOCK linetype, whereby you draw new entities using the default linetype until you group them into a block. The entities inherit the current linetype setting when you insert the block into the drawing.    

To make the linetype current

   1   Do one of the following to choose Explore Linetypes ():    

    On the ribbon, choose Tools > Linetypes (in Explorer).

    On the menu, choose Tools > Explorer > Explore Linetypes.

    On the Explorer toolbar, click the Explore Linetypes tool.

    Type expltypes and then press Enter.

   2   In the Linetype Name list, select the linetype you want to make current.

   3   Do one of the following:

    Choose Edit > Current.

    Select it in the Linetype Name list and click the Current tool ().

    Double-click the linetype name.

    4    To complete the command and return to your drawing, close the window.

Use the status bar.
On the status bar, right-click on the word BYLAYER for the current linetype, click Properties, and then choose the linetype that you want to make current.