Understanding coordinate systems

When you create entities in a drawing, they are located in relation to the drawings underlying Cartesian coordinate system. Every drawing has a fixed coordinate system called the World Coordinate System (WCS). You cannot delete or modify the WCS.  

Your drawing may contain additional coordinate systems, however, each with its own 0,0,0 origin and orientation. You can create as many user coordinate systems as you want, and then save and recall them as you need them. You can edit the origin of a coordinate system from within progeCADs Explorer by single-clicking the origin coordinates and then typing new coordinates.

For example, you can create a separate user coordinate system (UCS) for each side of a building. Then, by switching to the UCS for the east side of the building, you can draw the windows on that side by specifying only their x- and y-coordinates.

You can create and then switch between various user coordinate systems by selecting Coordinate Systems in the Explorer.