Changing the view of annotative entities

If your drawing contains annotative entities, such as text and dimensions, you can change the scale, or size, of these entities by setting the annotation scale.  

Entities that can be annotative include text, multiline text, tolerances, dimensions, leaders, multileaders, attributes, hatches, and blocks. If Annotative is set to Yes for one of these types of entities and you change the annotation scale, the entity will display at a different scale than other entities in the drawing. For example, if you set the annotation scale to 1:2, all annotative entities will display at that scale (if Automatic Annotation is turned on) or only those annotative entities that support the 1:2 scale will display at that scale (if Automatic Annotation is turned off).

Text styles, dimension styles, and multileader styles also can be annotative, so text, dimensions, or multileaders assigned an annotative style can also be affected.

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Turning on scaling of annotative entities

Changing the scale of annotative entities

Displaying and hiding certain annotative entities

Returning scale views of annotative entities to their default positions