DIESEL Functions

DIESEL functions cannot contains spaces and cannot have more than 10 arguments. Commas are used to separate arguments and values.

DIESEL Functions

Function Description
+ Adds the specified numbers and returns the sum.
- Subtracts the specified numbers and returns the difference.
* Multiplies the specified numbers and returns the product.
/ Divides the specified numbers and returns the result.
= Returns whether the specified numbers are equal.
< Returns whether the first specified number is less than the second number.
> Returns whether the first specified number is greater than the second number.
!= Returns whether the specified numbers are not equal.
<= Returns whether the first specified number is less than or equal to the second number.
>= Returns whether the first specified number is greater than or equal to the second number.
and Returns the logical AND of the specified integers.
angtos Returns the formatted angle value.
edtime Returns the time in a format according to the specified picture.
eq Returns whether the specified strings are equal.
eval Evaluates and returns the specified string.
fix Changes the specified number to an integer by trimming any fractions.
getenv Returns the value of the specified operating system variable.
getvar Returns the value of the specified system variable.
if Evaluates expressions and performs an action depending on whether a condition is true or false.
index Returns a member of the specified comma-separated string.
nth Returns a member of the specified arguments.
or Returns the bitwise logical operation if at least one of the specified conditions is true.
rtos Returns the formatted length value.
strfill Returns a text string repeated the specified number of times.
strlen Returns the length of the specified string.
substr Returns a portion of a string given a start character and length.
time Returns the time as a UNIX 32-bit value.
upper Returns the specified string in uppercase according to the locale defined for the operating system.
xor Returns the bitwise logical operation if only one of the the specified conditions is true.

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