: image

Display an image.     DCL Decorator Tile

This decorator tile displays an image created by LISP or SDS functions that draw vector images. The image can consist of a solid color, an icon, or other images.

For this tile, you must specify both the height and width attributes, or specify the aspect_ratio attribute along with either height or width (but not with both attributes).

Valid Attributes

: image {

          action = "(string)";

          alignment = position;

          aspect_ratio = real;

          color = clr;

          fixed_height = flag;

          fixed_width = flag;

          height = number;

          is_enabled = flag;

          is_tab_stop = flag;

          key = "string";

          label = "string";

          mnemonic = "char";

          value = "string";

          width = number;



: image {

action = "(dimvars)";

height = 24;

key = "DB";

width = 36;


Related DCL Tiles





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