IntelliCAD 11.1 Object Library
Rotation Property
See Also 
Attribute Object : Rotation Property


Sets or returns the rotation angle for the attribute.

Property type

Read-write property


Visual Basic
Public Property Rotation As Double


Private Sub Rotation_Example()

     ' This example creates text and adds it to the drawing using the

     ' AddText method. It then obtains and resets the Rotation property.

     Dim icadDoc As IntelliCAD.Document

     Dim myText As String

     Dim textObj As IntelliCAD.Text

     Dim insPt As IntelliCAD.Point

     Dim height As Double

     Dim NewRotation As Double

     Set icadDoc = ActiveDocument

     Set insPt = Library.CreatePoint(0, 9)

     height = 5

     myText = "Test string for the AddText method"

     ' Add the Text object

     Set textObj = icadDoc.ModelSpace.AddText(myText, insPt, height)



     MsgBox "Rotation: " & textObj.Rotation

     NewRotation = InputBox("Type a rotation (in radians):")

     textObj.Rotation = NewRotation



End Sub

See Also

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