IntelliCAD 11.1 Object Library
color Property
See Also 
DimRotated Object : color Property


Sets or returns the true color of the entity.

Property type

Read-write property


Visual Basic
Public Property color As color


Colors can be set and read as numeric index values ranging from 0 to 256. For the standard seven colors and the ByBlock and ByLayer designations, you can also use constants shown below. The default color designation is ByLayer (0).


Private Sub ColorExample()

'This example demonstrates how to return and change the Color property.

     Dim ents As Object

     Dim ent As IntelliCAD.Entity

     Dim NewColor As Integer

     Dim Response

     Dim ct As Long

     Dim x As Long

     Set ents = ActiveDocument.ModelSpace

     ct = ents.Count

     MsgBox "No. of entities = " & ct

For x = 0 To ct - 1

     Set ent = ents.Item(x)

          Response = MsgBox("Color of entity is: " & ent.color.ColorIndex & Chr(13) & "Do you want to change it?", vbYesNo, "Color of Entities")

         If Response = vbYes Then

               NewColor = InputBox("New color [0-256]:")

               Dim color As IntelliCAD.color
               Set color = ent.color
               color.ColorMethod = vicColorMethodByACI
               color.ColorIndex = NewColor
               ent.color = color

          End If

          ' Display message.

          Response = MsgBox("Continue listing entities?", vbYesNo, "Color of Entities")

          If Response = vbNo Then GoTo Regener

Next x




End Sub

See Also

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