IntelliCAD 11.1 Object Library
Highlight Method
See Also 

Boolean value:

TRUE = The object is highlighted.

FALSE = The object is not highlighted.

DimAligned Object : Highlight Method


Highlights or dehighlights the object.


Visual Basic
Public Sub Highlight( _
   ByVal HighlightFlag As Boolean _



Boolean value:

TRUE = The object is highlighted.

FALSE = The object is not highlighted.


Private Sub Highlight_Example()

     ' This example creates a line and a circle and highlights all lines.


     Dim lineObj As IntelliCAD.Line

     Dim startpoint As IntelliCAD.Point

     Dim endpoint As IntelliCAD.Point

     Dim circObj As IntelliCAD.Circle

     Dim centerPt As IntelliCAD.Point

     Dim radius As Double


     ' Create a line object in model space

     Set startpoint = Library.CreatePoint(3, 2, 0)

     Set endpoint = Library.CreatePoint(4, 5, 0)

     Set lineObj = ThisDocument.ModelSpace.AddLine(startpoint, endpoint)


     ' Create a circle object in model space

     Set centerPt = Library.CreatePoint(3, 4, 0)

     radius = 5

     Set circObj = ThisDocument.ModelSpace.AddCircle(centerPt, radius)


     Dim entName As String

     Dim ent As Object

     For Each ent In ThisDocument.ModelSpace

          If ent.EntityName = "Line" Then ent.Highlight (True)


     MsgBox "All lines have been highlighted."

     For Each ent In ThisDocument.ModelSpace

          If ent.EntityName = "Line" Then ent.Highlight (False)


End Sub

See Also

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