IntelliCAD 11.1 Object Library
GetXData Method
See Also 
The name of the application.
Array that indicates the type of data (for example, string or 3D point) in the corresponding location of the XDataValue array.

Array that indicates the value of the data (for example, "Hello" or 5,0,0).

Text Object : GetXData Method


Returns the extended entity data associated with an entity.


Visual Basic
Public Sub GetXData( _
   ByVal AppName As String, _
   ByRef TypeArray As Variant, _
   ByRef DataArray As Variant _


The name of the application.
Array that indicates the type of data (for example, string or 3D point) in the corresponding location of the XDataValue array.

Array that indicates the value of the data (for example, "Hello" or 5,0,0).


Option Explicit

Private Const APP_NAME As String = "TEST_APP"

' This example gets an entity and its Xdata (if it exists) and prints the

' info in the debug window.

Sub ReadXData()

     ' get the entity.

     Dim anObj As Object

     Dim pt As IntelliCAD.Point

     ActiveDocument.Utility.GetEntity anObj, pt, "Select an entity: "

     ' get its xdata.

     Dim xdataType As Variant

     Dim xdataValue As Variant

     Dim appName As String

     anObj.GetXData APP_NAME, xdataType, xdataValue

     ' iterate through the XData.

     Dim lbnd As Integer, ubnd As Integer

     Dim i As Integer

     If (vbEmpty <> VarType(xdataType)) Then

          lbnd = LBound(xdataType)

          ubnd = UBound(xdataType)

          For i = lbnd To ubnd

               If ( _

                    (1010 = xdataType(i)) _

                    Or _

                    (1011 = xdataType(i)) _

                    Or _

                    (1012 = xdataType(i)) _

                    Or _

                    (1013 = xdataType(i)) _

                    ) Then

                    Dim ptX As IntelliCAD.Point

                    Set ptX = xdataValue(i)

                    Debug.Print "XData Type: " & xdataType(i) & " Xdata Value: " & ptX.x & "," & ptX.y & "," & ptX.z

                    Set ptX = Nothing


                    Debug.Print "XData Type: " & xdataType(i) & " Xdata Value: " & xdataValue(i)

               End If

          Next i


          Debug.Print "No XData for " & APP_NAME

     End If


     Set anObj = Nothing

End Sub

Sub AppendXData()

     ' get the entity.

     Dim anObj As Object

     Dim pt As IntelliCAD.Point

     ActiveDocument.Utility.GetEntity anObj, pt, "Select an entity: "

     ' get its xdata.

     Dim xdataType As Variant

     Dim xdataValue As Variant

     anObj.GetXData APP_NAME, xdataType, xdataValue

     If (vbEmpty = VarType(xdataType)) Then

          Dim tmp(0 To 0) As Integer

          xdataType = tmp

          ReDim xdataValue(0 To 0)

          ' the first item in the XData should be a 1001

          ' code giving the app's name.

          xdataType(0) = 1001

          xdataValue(0) = APP_NAME

     End If


     ' redimension the XData arrays, preserving their

     ' contents.

     ReDim Preserve xdataType(LBound(xdataType) _

          To (UBound(xdataType) + 1))

     ReDim Preserve xdataValue(LBound(xdataValue) _

          To (UBound(xdataValue) + 1))


     ' stuff some new data in.

     xdataType(UBound(xdataType)) = 1000

     xdataValue(UBound(xdataValue)) = "Hi, I was added!"

     ' store the data.

     anObj.SetXData xdataType, xdataValue

     Set anObj = Nothing

End Sub

See Also

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