Restoring progeCAD to its default settings
Restoring progeCAD to its default settings
The Restore Default Settings tool backs up program settings and files and then restores them to their original state as they were when progeCAD was installed.
Restoring the default settings can be helpful if the program isnt working as expected. For example, if linetypes or print styles are no longer correct, restoring the default settings may help.
progeCAD can back up and restore progeCADs registry settings, Documents folder, and AppData folder, and can back up (but not restore) custom files that automatically load when progeCAD starts.
Restoring the default program settings is different than resetting the user interface, which include menus, the ribbon (if your program supports it), toolbars, keyboard shortcuts, aliases, and double-click actions. For details about resetting the user interface, see Loading customization files.
To restore and back up progeCAD default settings
1 Close progeCAD, if it is open.
2 From the Windows Start menu, choose Restore Default Settings where progeCAD appears in the program list.
3 In Backup To, choose one of the following:
Zip archive Compresses and saves the files in a single .zip file.
Folder (set of files) Saves individual files in a folder.
4 Click [...] to specify the location of the backup.
5 Select any of the following:
Registry progeCADs registry settings include the paths to folders where many settings are stored. You can unmark this option only if Backup Only is marked.
Documents folder progeCADs Documents folder contains linetypes, print styles, printer configuration (.pc3) files, textures, and more.
AppData folder progeCADs AppData folder contains color book files, backup drawing files, spelling libraries, and templates.
Autoloading files Custom applications that automatically load are located in the progeCAD installation folder, for example, icaddoc.lsp, icad.irx,, and icad.sds. These files can be backed up but cannot be restored.
6 To create a backup without restoring any settings, mark Backup Only.
7 Click Start.
The status displays in the Restore Status dialog box.
8 To view the backup files, click Open Folder.
9 When finished, click Exit.