Replaying scripts

There are a number of ways you can replay scripts:

    Choose the Run Script command in progeCAD.

    Drag and drop the script file from Windows Explorer or the desktop onto the IntelliCAD drawing window.

    Run progeCAD with the script at startup using the Command Prompt.

To play a script in progeCAD

   1   Do one of the following to choose ():

    On the ribbon, choose Tools > Run Script (in Applications).

    On the menu, choose Tools > Record Actions > Run Script.

    On the Tools toolbar, click the Run Script tool.

    Type script and then press Enter.

   2   In the Run Script dialog box, specify the name of the script file you want to run.

   3   Click Open.

The program immediately runs the script, performing all the actions originally recorded.

To start progeCAD and play a script using the Command Prompt

   1   Open the Command Prompt window.

   2   Type the following, where filename.scr is the name of the script, including the path to the .scr file:

icad.exe /b D:\temp\filename.scr