Adding hatching and gradients

Adding hatching and gradients

When you add hatching or gradients to a drawing, progeCAD fills entities or enclosed areas with a pattern.         

Adding hatching or gradients is a three step process:

   1   Specify a hatch or gradient pattern.

   2   Specify entities or areas.

   3   Specify additional options.

Hatch patterns and gradients are memory intensive.
Because hatch and gradient patterns can take a considerable amount of time to draw and display, you may want to add hatching and gradients during the last steps of drawing creation or insert them on a separate layer that you can freeze as you continue to work on your drawing. For example, instead of using a small-scaled line pattern to create a solid fill, use the SOLID hatch pattern instead as this will print and display much faster.       

Tell me about...

Specifying a hatch or gradient pattern

Specifying entities or areas for hatching and gradients

Specifying additional hatch and gradient options