


Creates, sets current, renames, or deletes a workspace. Also defines settings for the workspace environment.

setCurrent/SAveas/Edit/Rename/Delete/List/SEttings: To set the current workspace, choose setCurrent. To create a new workspace by saving the current visibility settings, choose SAveas. To rename a workspace, choose Rename. To modify settings for the current workspace, choose Edit. To delete a workspace, choose Delete. To display a list of workspaces, choose List. To define settings for workspaces, choose SEttings.

To switch to a workspace

Choose setCurrent.

Enter workspace name: Enter the name of the workspace you want to make current. You can also set workspaces to be current by clicking Switch Between Workspaces on the status bar.

To create a new workspace

Choose SAveas.

In the Save Workspace dialog box, enter a new workspace name, then click OK. The name will appear in the list of workspaces and also on the status bar when you click Switch Between Workspaces.

To save settings to an existing workspace

Choose SAveas.

In the Save Workspace dialog box, select the name of an existing workspace, then click OK.

To make modifications to a workspace

Choose Edit.

On the Customize tab in the Customize User Interface dialog box, make the necessary changes to the current workspace.

To rename a workspace

Choose Rename.

Enter workspace name: Enter the name of the existing workspace that you want to rename.

Enter new workspace name: Enter the new name.

To delete a workspace

Choose Delete.

Enter workspace name: Enter the name of the workspace to delete.

To list all workspaces

Choose List.

To define settings that apply for all workspaces

Choose SEttings.

Make selections in the Workspace Settings dialog box.

How do I...

Use workspaces