Move Entity Data



Moves program information assigned to one entity to another entity. This data is assigned to entities by programs that work with progeCAD, such as architectural or mechanical engineering design programs.

CAUTION Using any of the commands on the Entity Data toolbar poses a risk of altering your program data in such a way that may make it unusable by the original program.

To move entity data

Move Entity Data: ? to list application names � <Name of application>: Type the name of the program whose data you want to move, or choose ? to list application names to display a list of programs.

Select entity from which to move data: Select the entity from which you want to extract entity data, and then press Enter.

Select entities to Entity Data will be moved: Select the entity to which you want the entity data assigned, and then press Enter. The data for the selected program is removed from the first entity and transferred to the second.

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Copying Entity Data

Deleting Entity Data

Editing Entity Data

Reassociating Entity Data