

Keyboard: FLATTEN


Flattens three-dimensional entities to two dimensions. All selected entities are flattened onto the current UCS elevation plane, which need not be parallel to the WCS x,y plane.

NOTE The Flatten command allows you to move sets of entities, such as a three-dimensional wall, to a new elevation. When you are in plan view, this command has no visible effect.



  1. Select the entity you want to flatten.


FILter/<Select entities to flatten>: Select the entities you want flattened. Choose FILter to filter the selection by properties.

New UCS elevation <0.0000>: Enter the new elevation.

Planar entities (such as text, arcs, and two-dimensional polylines) whose extrusion direction is not parallel to the current UCS z-axis are ignored. Rays and infinite lines whose direction vectors are parallel to the current UCS z-axis are also ignored.

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