Edit Spline



Edits a spline.

Select spline: Select the spline you want to edit.

Enter an option [Fit data/Close/Move vertex/Refine/rEverse/convert to Polyline/Undo]: To move a vertex, choose Move vertex. To further refine a spline, choose Refine. To reverse the direction of a spline (for third-party components), choose Reverse. To convert a spline to a polyline, choose Convert to Polyline. To undo the previous change, choose Undo.

To move a vertex

Choose Move vertex.

Select the vertex to move by choosing Next to select the next point, Previous to select the previous point, or Select point to click a point in the drawing.

In the drawing, click the desired location of the selected vertex.

To add a control point

Choose Refine.

Enter a refine option [Add control point/Elevate order/Weight/eXit] <eXit>: Choose Add control point.

Select an area on the spline where you want to add a control point, then press Enter.

To change the number of control points that control a spline

Choose Refine.

Enter a refine option [Add control point/Elevate order/Weight/eXit] <eXit>: Choose Elevate order.

Enter new order: Enter a number higher than the current value to increase the number of control points across the whole spline, or enter a number lower than the current value to decrease the number of control points.

To change the weight of a control point

Choose Refine.

Enter a refine option [Add control point/Elevate order/Weight/eXit] <eXit>: Choose Weight.

Enter new weight (current = 3.000000) or [Next/Previous/Select point/eXit] <N>: Enter a higher number to pull the vertex closer to the control point, or enter a lower number to push the vertex farther from the control point. Choose Next to select the next point; choose Previous to select the previous point; choose Select point to click a point in the drawing.

To reverse the direction of a spline

Choose Reverse.

This option is available for access by third-party components.

To convert the spline to a polyline

Choose Convert to Polyline.

To undo a change

Choose Undo.

The previous edit is undone.

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